Thank You for Your Kindness
While there are many non-profits you can support, we truly appreciate your consideration of the DWPC. DWPC members are engaged in the community as active volunteers, working with neighbors and colleagues to create meaningful impact for women, students and families in the community.
Through our high school and adult education scholarship programs we help college and adult students pursue their educations.
The DWPC has supported organizations such as Dress for Success, Welcome Warehouse, The Dublin Food Pantry, Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption, KidSMILES Pediatric Dental Clinic, I Support the Girls, Adaptive Sports Connection. No Kid FIghts Cancer Alone, and the Dublin Library.
No contribution is too small.
Several Ways You Can Help
Direct Donation To DWPC
Kroger Community Rewards
DWPC is a participating member of the Kroger Community Rewards program. If you are a Kroger shopper and have a Kroger Plus card, you can link your Kroger Plus card to our organization and a percentage of your spending will be contributed to DWPC.
To register your card, go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com.
Amazon Smiles
If you are an Amazon shopper please consider selecting the DWPC as your AmazonSmile charity and each time you make a purchase Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from eligible purchases to the DWPC. It is easy to set up too. Go to your Amazon account and select AmazonSmile Charity List and select the Dublin Womens’ Philanthropic Club. Now each time you make a purchase the DWPC will receive a donation. Thank you for making the DWPC your AmazonSmiles charity!
The non-profit number for the Dublin Women’s Philanthropic Club is 81310.